Principal’s Message

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Welcome to School of Saint Elizabeth in Bernardsville, New Jersey. It is with a joyous heart that I am able to introduce myself as the new principal, beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year. With over 30 years of educational experience across all levels, I have discovered my true passion within Catholic schools where I have had the opportunity to not only teach academic subjects but also impart the profound teachings and lessons of Jesus, who remains the greatest of all educators. 

Being new to the school, I look forward to building a partnership with parents to ensure that this year, and the years ahead, are truly exceptional for our students. As we explore the biggest issues and challenges facing modern society, one trend I’ve encountered is the expectation that schools alone bear the responsibility of raising children. As a Catholic school, we recognize and reinforce the vital role of parents as the primary teacher, and St. E’s as the secondary educator of your child(ren). Our role is to work in conjunction with families to teach our students how to take Christian action in a world that often challenges our beliefs. 

I thank you in advance for being the role models that will help educate our students in the spirit of our Faith. I ask that you spend meaningful time with your children each and every day. Eating meals together, talking together, praying together, and yes, going to Mass together!  I also encourage you to talk to your students about their day at school. Hear what they have to say. Let them speak. God gives us two ears and one mouth for a reason.  Let them share with you their ‘work’ world. And finally, I ask our community to be the adult role models all our kids need. Our world has become a place where individuals often shout when they disagree, instead of seeking understanding with a Christian heart.  If we want children to become intelligent, strong, and faithful adults, then we must be the primary example of what we ask of them.  

Throughout the interview process I asked many stakeholders what they felt was special about School of St. Elizabeth. It was abundantly clear that our faculty and staff are at the very core of what sets us apart, and I look forward to continuing this legacy. I will be doing my part by spending time out and about, whether in the classrooms, throughout the hallways, at the lunch tables, on the playground, in the car line, and at the events and Masses throughout the year. Teachers will continue to deliver academic excellence in a traditional classroom environment where our children learn the importance of love and respect. 

You are in my daily prayers and I ask that you include our school in yours.  I look forward to getting to know my new faith family, and may God continue to bless each of us as we prepare for the upcoming school year. 


Deacon Russ Raffay
