Faculty / Staff

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Rev. John C. SiceloffPastor908-766-0079
Deacon Russell RaffayPrincipalraffayr@steschool.org
(908) 766-0244 x 11
Beth ZarroAdministrative Assistantstelizabethoffice@steschool.org
(908) 766-0244 x 27
Marisa FriedmanDirector of Marketing and Developmentmarketing@steschool.org
Meghan GillDirector of Admissionsgillm@steschool.org
(908) 766-0244 x12
Jeannine Farrell, RNSchool Nursenurse@steschool.org
(908) 766-0244
Chris JahnFacilitiesmaintenance@olphbernardsville.org
Erin BorinoTechnology Coordinatortechnology@steschool.org
Janine SullivanSchool Office / Finance Coordinatorbusiness@steschool.org
(908) 766-0244 x10

Beth DonleyMiddle School
Language Arts
Jim GaulMiddle School
Kim LuiMiddle School Math luik@steschool.org
Matt MulcahyMiddle School Social Studies mulcahym@steschool.org
Gregory LoboMiddle School Religionlobog@steschool.org
Patsy Dewey Kindergartendeweyp@steschool.org
Jennifer Fazzolari1st Grade
Elise Debrot2nd Gradedebrote@steschool.org
Diane Bennett3rd Gradebennettd@steschool.org
Joanne Scarpanito4th Gradescarpanitoj@steschool.org
Cindy Drucks 5th Gradedrucksc@steschool.org
Judy GagisPre-K 3gagisj@steschool.org
Katie JabbourPre-K 4jabbourk@steschool.org
Jesica OlmosWorld Language Teacherolmosj@steschool.org
Susan Howley PE Teacher / Middle School Health howleys@steschool.org
Michele LoboArt Teacherlobom@steschool.org
Bill AlfordMusic alfordb@steschool.org
Erin BorinoMedia / Information Technologyborinoe@steschool.org
Chelsie CerdeiraGuidance Counselor / Reading Specialistcerdeirac@steschool.org

School Advisory Committee

The Diocese of Metuchen Office of Schools requires all schools to select and maintain an active School Advisory Council (SAC). The role of the SAC is to analyze school operations and performance and provide the principal and Pastor guidance to promote best practices for the success of the school. As School of St. Elizabeth continues to grow, innovate and thrive as a leader in the Diocese, we are grateful to the following members of the current SAC Board:

  • Rev. John C. Siceloff, Pastor
  • Chad McQueen, President – P ’23, ’25  
  • Melissa Reynolds, Alumna & Alum Parent
  • Lisa Dooley, Alum Parent
  • Kevin Donnelly, Dir. of Advancement, Oratory Prep
  • Matt Eager, Alum Parent
  • Jean Jackson, Alum Parent, former Dir. of Admissions
  • Laura Capobianco, Alum Parent, Former Dir. of Technology